THE GAS | Utku Çırak | 2021

Sezione UNIVERSITY AWARD 2021 | Akdeniz University-Dokuz Eylül University Film Design

Martedì 16 Novembre 2021, ore 11,00, Auditorium Santa Chiara

Sinopsy: At the end of an extraordinary situation in the village, when the people of the village cannot reach the government, they try to break a curse by organizing various rituals under the leadership of the Mukhtar and Kadir. After a while, the government official who comes to the village will confront the villagers with another reality in an authoritarian manner.

Cast: I’m trying to create a new style of cinema. The story I created in the script is of a magical-realistic structure and aims to combine social structure with a fantastic style. So I think you can be interested in my style of cinema and my film. My film tells the story of a people with traditional beliefs, while featuring ethnic rituals and practices. The origin of these practices and rituals comes from shamanism and paganism. I tried to achieve a post-modern narrative by placing ethnic and traditional practices in fantastic narrative.

Durata: 14’

Anno: 2020 / November

Paese: Turkey

Tipologia: cortometraggio

Genere: fiction

Soggetto: the psychological war story of a village mukhtar who aims to turn a moment of crisis in the village into an opportunity for his own power when the government does not step in.

Sceneggiatura: Utku ÇIRAK

Montaggio: Ahmet ERDİL

Direttore della fotografia: Volkan YILDIZ

Musiche originali: copyrighted music

Produttori: Utku ÇIRAK – Tonguç  GÜNDÜZ

Produzione: Utku ÇIRAK

Distribuzione: Utku ÇIRAK

Lingua: Turkish

Sottotitoli: English, Portuguese, Brasilian, Russian

Formato: 16:9 / 2.35:1 (scope), color, Hd


